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eine Frau ist glücklich über ihre neu gefundene Motivation im Beruf


Transform your work life now!
The MORE skills analysis highlights the places where you refuel and increase joy, motivation and fulfilment.
Is your life at a turning point?
Do you want to improve your professional path?

We are at your side!
MORE strengthens you and reveals your power.
Doing what you are good at and enjoy doing...

Imagine you are doing something you are very good at and enjoy doing. You experience twice the joy: you are happy to do it and enjoy the success of doing it. 

What is the impact on your motivation?

You feel energized because your brain is releasing plaeasure hormones at that very moment, and you get energy from what you are doing.

Frauen mit Freude bei der Arbeit
Motivation ist die Tankstelle Ihres Berufslebens
...makes you experience double joy at work

You feel inspired because you get motivation, as if you were "refuelling". What you are good at and enjoy doing are your individual motivational triggers, your "filling stations". 

If you strategically distribute these in your weekly schedule, you have a direct influence on your motivation level.

Do you want to experience joy at work?
Get a free 30 minutes initial consultation to see if this is for you.
was kann MORE?

What is the power of MORE?

The MORE skills analysis system supports you in addressing different issues in your career planning. Our clients have appreciated MORE in the following situations:
Mann mit Potenzial

Clarity about my potential

When deciding between two promotions, MORE revealed to me my own true potential. It is a structured process that produces tangible results. I was able to see which position was the best for me.

junge Frau hat Weg aus der Krise gefunden

A clear way out of the crisis

My previous work environnement was extremely demanding. I ended up in burnout. MORE's structured process helped me to align my decisions with my strengths and preferences.

Frau sucht nach beruflicher Erfüllung

There has to be more...

For 18 years I worked with little enthusiasm. The job was not the right one for me. Working with MORE, helped me see that I can do much more than I thought. MORE has shown me what I am capable of.

Mann auf Arbeitssuche

I had lost my job

After the initial shock, I could see this unexepected change as an opportunity. MORE helped me to take a completely new look at my skills and interests. This is incredibly helpflul for my job applications.

Gut gelaunter Mann hat sein Ziel erreicht

Sorting out my options

Mutter mit Kind will wieder arbeiten

Working after a baby break

My life felt chaotic: I had many different interests and couldn't decide on a career. With MORE, I learned how to sort it all out: now I know what is really important to me and what I want to do.

I was at home for 6 years and lost sight of what I could do and what interested me. I had a lot of fears about returning to the job market. MORE helped me identify and organize all my experiences and qualifications. 

Discover your personal filling stations
and transform your professional life:
Get a free 30 minutes initial consultation to see if this is for you.
MORE im Detail

MORE in detail

Do you want to know what is so special about MORE? 

What output and which results you can expect?

How we would work with you and what would be your investment?


Our vision

Unlock potential
Unsere Vision

Motivation is the key to a happy and successful professional life

We help professionals and individuals to become aware of their strengths and consciously use them in their work.

We work in a win-win model


When people work in a competence-oriented way, they experience success and joy. This increases their motivation, which in turn is reflected in increased productivity. In the end, everyone benefits

What else is possible?


This question informs our efforts to highlight the potential of our clients.


MORE was developed by Hélène Cuenod based on the work of Dr. Claas Triebel. With this method, you can consolidate the foundation of your career, gain new perspectives and rediscover purpose in your work.

-helene IMG_6554_edited_edited_edited_ed
Christian Harant
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