Hélène Cuenod MA
I am a business coach and mediator.
I am convinced that we experience our work as fulfilling when we can develop our potential and we are "in the right place". I have been supporting people in their professional development for many years with a focus on strengthening their personality as well as their leadership skills.
For me, coaching means exploring what is on people's minds. We can use language to create positive dynamics and give birth to something new.
Using questions and proven coaching techniques, I guide my clients to important insights that open up new perspectivess. For me, the goal of career coaching is to strengthen one's will and ability to make decisions.
I developped the MORE skills analysis system based on the work of Dr. Claas Triebel: It is designed to help people to recognize their talents and then decide for themselves how to strengthen and develop them.
It thrills me to see what MORE can do for the people I work with, be them executives or people who, for example, are re-entering the job market after a maternity leave, or who want to reorient themselves professionally, or young people who are orienting themselves.
I have always been involved in the development of people. I worked for 15 years with over 50 institutions from 20 countries in Europe, Latin America, Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East. Setting up social projects, working on NGO development and other projects, I have observed that most hurdles can be overcome when people's resources are brought to light.
My mother tongue is Spanish and I grew up in French-speaking Switzerland. I have lived in Vienna for over 20 years and offer MORE in English, French, German and Spanish.
Christian Harant, Dr.med., Mag.art.
I trained as a medical doctor, spent 15 years running an office as an industrial designer and artist, and have been a business coach and organizational developer since 2008.
I bring to my work the creativity of a designer, experience with an integrative understanding of body and mind, and a profound advanced training in systemic consulting and coaching.
I have been coaching, consulting, training and supervising for over 15 years. I bring people and organizations forward in their development. I work with my clients to clarify unclear and complex situations and identify new ways of acting.
I strive to work as an agent for change by challenging beliefs, advancing insights and bringing new possibilities into play.
My work focuses on leadership development. I am convinced that the greatest leverage lies with leaders. People realize their potential fully when they lead well and are led well. I teach the systemic foundations of leadership at universities, other institutions of higher learning and companies.
I originally tried out the MORE skills analysis system out of professional curiosity. MORE has convinced me as a method because it is resource-oriented, strengthens people in their self-empowerment and opens up new perspectives.
The question "what else is possible?" drives many of my clients. That is, they want to discover potential that has yet to be realized. MORE offers an ideal foundation for this.
I am happy to work on challenging and complex projects. I am happy to apply my knowledge and extensive experience to clarify situations and open up new, perhaps surprising options.
I offer MORE in German and English.